Leveraging effective data management for competitive advantage

Racks of servers inside a data center.
Leveraging effective data management for competitive advantage


In today’s digital age, organizations of all sizes are overwhelmed with data. Despite this, many businesses are still unfamiliar with how to effectively leverage data correctly in order to remain competitive. A recent 2023 study from The Decision Dilemma by Oracle and author Seth Stephens-Davidowitz found that 78% of business leaders complain they are being bombarded with more data than ever before. To make matters worse, of those decision-makers, 86% state that the volume of data is making decisions in their personal and professional lives more complicated, not less.

To address these issues, organizations need to take steps to mitigate the ongoing concerns of data management. However, to master this area of expertise takes an understanding of the larger data landscape. By taking a closer look at the specific challenges of data management and forming a proactive strategy, organizations can begin to conquer the massive data frontier that’s undoubtedly transforming modern-day businesses.

Jay Allardyce

General Manager, Data & Analytics, insightsoftware.

Challenges of effective data management


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